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A Day in the Life of a Psychic Medium: The Angel Communicator in Australia

Welcome to a day in my life! I’m Kiandra, also known as "The Angel Communicator." Living in the heart of Australia, I have the unique and beautiful task of bridging the earthly and celestial realms, bringing messages of love, guidance, and wisdom from angels. My days are filled with divine encounters, spiritual practices, and moments of profound connection. Join me as I take you through a typical day in my extraordinary life.

Morning: Angelic Awakening
Gold Coast Psychic Medium

I start my morning with a ritual that sets the tone for my work. A cup of delicious coffee, whilst I get my daughter ready for school. I love my coffee and it is my favorite way to start my day.

My morning routine includes a period of music to raise my vibrations. It is not your usual soft meditation music you would think, but more so pop or dance music. It gets my body moving and wakes the house in a fun, energetic way. From there, it is school drop-off, and home to ground myself and set up my psychic reading space. I have created an office space fro my bedroom, as the views of the tall trees are so beautiful, and I often get cockatoos, and rainbow lorikeets visit me.

Mid-Morning: Private Angel Readings

By mid-morning, I'm ready to begin my angel readings. These sessions, whether email or via phone call, are intimate moments where I connect clients with their guardian angels. Each reading is unique, as the messages come through in different ways—sometimes as gentle whispers, other times as vivid visions or symbols.

Today, my first client is a young woman seeking guidance on her career path. As I tune into the angelic realm, I receive messages from her guardian angel before the session, to help prepare me for what we will unfold. Spirit will sometimes visit me the night before my sessions in my dreams and share insights for my sessions the day ahead. I call these spiritual downloads.

They also will send a ringing to my ears, which is a high-pitched sound, and an informational download. Though I cannot audibly make out what the words are (this is due to the highest vibration they are sending), I trust when the time comes, I know the information that is needed.

Afternoon: Admin and Social Media

During the afternoon, I focus on any last sessions in my calendar and then attend to my emails, feedback and social media. I will work on creating fun, posts, blogs and responding to comments on my social media posts.

On Mondays, I channel 4 Angelic beings through for my Monday Angel Readings, ready to post up their guidance for people to enjoy and read. Wednesdays, I do Crystal readings and write their meaning and messages. My afternoons will look different depending on the day, howeer the middle of my day is always the same with doing readings and sessions. It is finding that healthy balance between doing my readings and connecting with clients, and also tending to business needs. I used to work in digital marketing and have a passion for content creation within spirituality and growth, so I love this aspect of business and sharing knowledge through different means.

Evening: Personal Reflection and Angelic Messages

As the sun sets, I dedicate time to personal reflection and any feedback from my readings. I try balance quiet contemplation, opening myself to any messages the angels might have for me for the day. This is a time for me to receive guidance on my own journey and to offer gratitude for the day’s experiences. I then focus purely on family and take time to disconnect and live here, on Earth. If I stay too connected to the divine at all times, I am sure to burn out and energy crash. It is true what comes up, must come down.

Night: A Celestial End

Before bed, I perform a gratitude ritual. I thank my guardian angels and the angels of those I have connected with throughout the day. I will try put up a social media post on my pages with an angel prayer to help inspire others to do the same. I sometimes enjoy a calming cup of tea, allowing myself to unwind and spend time with my Husband.

As I drift off to sleep, I will always put on a meditation before bed and focus on something specific in my life. This may be grounding, clearing my energy, manifestation, or connecting to my own personal guides. I often feel the comforting presence of my angels, surrounding me with their protective and loving energy. The night is a time of rest and renewal, ensuring I’m ready for another day of divine connection and guidance.

Living as "The Angel Communicator" in Australia is a life of constant wonder and spiritual depth. Every day is a new opportunity to bring celestial wisdom to those in need, to connect with the ethereal, and to celebrate the beauty of the unseen. So, under the starry skies of Australia, I continue my journey, guided by the angels, bringing light and love to all I encounter.

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