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Crystal Reading - 5th June, 2024

Choose a crystal from the image that draws you in. You may be drawn to more than one or multiple.

Crystals and gemstones emit different energy and properties and support people with different things they may be going through in life. You will be drawn to whatever crystal can help you with something you may need right now. Take a deep breath, take a moment to look at each image and see what you feel is for you.

The messages are below.

Crystal Message 1:

Lepidolite is a powerful crystal known for its calming and stabilizing properties. If you find yourself attracted to this beautiful, lilac-hued stone, it’s likely because you are seeking balance and emotional healing in your life. Lepidolite is often called the “stone of transition,” helping to release old patterns and bring about positive change.

This crystal’s high lithium content makes it an excellent ally for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, Lepidolite can help soothe your mind and spirit, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility. It encourages self-love and patience, reminding you to be gentle with yourself during challenging times.

Lepidolite also enhances your ability to trust in the universe and embrace the flow of life. It helps you to see situations from a higher perspective, fostering acceptance and encouraging spiritual growth. By connecting with Lepidolite, you are invited to let go of fear and embrace the healing process with an open heart.

Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, and allow Lepidolite’s nurturing energy to guide you towards harmony and renewal.

Crystal Message 2:

Purple Geode Druzy Stone is a mesmerizing crystal known for its ability to amplify and purify energy. If you are drawn to this enchanting stone, it signifies a calling to tap into your inner wisdom and spiritual awareness. The dazzling druzy clusters within the geode enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making it a powerful tool for those on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

This crystal's vibrant purple hue is associated with the crown chakra, which connects you to higher states of consciousness and divine guidance. It encourages you to trust your inner voice and embrace your spiritual journey with confidence and clarity. Purple Geode Druzy Stone also promotes emotional healing by soothing stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, allowing you to release negativity and embrace a more balanced, harmonious state of being.

By working with this stone, you are invited to deepen your meditation practice, expand your awareness, and align with your highest self. Let the gentle yet potent energy of the Purple Geode Druzy Stone guide you towards greater spiritual insight and personal transformation

Crystal Message 3:

If you are drawn to the serene beauty of Ocean Amazonite, it indicates a deep desire for tranquility, balance, and emotional healing. This captivating crystal, with its soothing sea-green hues, is known as the “Stone of Courage and Truth.” It beckons those who seek to align with their authentic selves and communicate their deepest truths with clarity and confidence.

Ocean Amazonite has a powerful calming effect on the soul. It helps to dispel negative energy, soothe anxiety, and calm an overactive mind, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with a sense of inner peace. This stone is also associated with the heart and throat chakras, enhancing your ability to express yourself honestly while maintaining emotional equilibrium.

Being attracted to Ocean Amazonite suggests you are on a journey to release old wounds and embrace a new chapter of self-love and harmony. Its gentle energy encourages you to embrace change and trust the process of life. This crystal also fosters a deep connection to the water element, symbolizing flow and adaptability, helping you to move gracefully through transitions and embrace your personal power.

Allow Ocean Amazonite to be your guide, helping you to uncover your true potential and live with an open heart and a peaceful mind.

Crystal Message 4:

If you find yourself attracted to the vibrant energy of Wulfenite, it signifies a powerful call for transformation and creativity in your life. This striking crystal, with its radiant orange and yellow hues, is known for its ability to facilitate deep emotional healing and stimulate passionate, creative pursuits.

Wulfenite is often associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, where it ignites a spark of inspiration and courage. If you are drawn to this stone, it suggests that you are ready to break free from old patterns and embrace new, exciting opportunities. It helps to clear emotional blockages, allowing you to express your true self and pursue your dreams with confidence.

This crystal also enhances your ability to connect with higher realms, making it a valuable ally for those seeking spiritual growth and insight. Wulfenite encourages you to trust in your intuition and the divine guidance that surrounds you. Its energy is particularly helpful during times of transition, providing the strength and clarity needed to navigate change.

Allow Wulfenite to support you in your journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embrace its vibrant energy to unlock your creative potential, heal past wounds, and move forward with renewed passion and purpose.

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