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Weekly Angel Reading - Week of 8th - 15th July, 2024

Every Monday, I connect with 4 angel energies to bring messages to those who need guidance and positive energy in their lives.

Each image in this post represents a unique angel's message and energy. Take a moment to look at them and see which one(s) resonate with you right now. Trust your intuition!

To participate, simply comment at the bottom of this page with the numbers of the images you feel connected to and the angel message you have chosen.

Angel Number 1 Message:

This week, you are blossoming in ways both grand and subtle. Each milestone you reach, whether significant or seemingly small, is a testament to your incredible resilience and dedication. You've navigated through challenges and come so far, even when the road felt steep. Take a moment to truly recognize your growth and find contentment in all your victories.

Remember, every step forward matters. Achieving something you've worked hard for is a beautiful reward, but so is finding the strength to get up when you didn't think you could. Each action, no matter how small, is a meaningful part of your journey. Celebrate your perseverance and embrace the peace that comes from acknowledging your progress.

Find joy in the everyday moments, letting them fill your heart with contentment. Know that you are always guided, loved, and supported in every endeavor. Keep shining, for your light not only illuminates your path but also inspires others.

Angel Number 2 Message:

This week’s angelic message centers on enjoying quality time with family and friends. You will feel a strong pull to be surrounded by those you love. Embrace this opportunity to reconnect and truly cherish these moments. Ensure you eliminate distractions and be consciously present with your loved ones. When you choose to be fully there, your presence will be deeply appreciated, and your relationships will be enriched. You will notice that how others connect with you will improve, fostering stronger bonds and mutual understanding.

Alternatively, this message may also relate to relationship conflicts. Old challenges or conflicts may resurface, and you might find yourself stuck in old patterns of thinking. If you struggle with challenging emotions regarding a parent or child, now is the time to heal. The angels urge you to address these issues head-on. We are here to support you every step of the way, guiding you towards healing and resolution. Do not remain attached to what no longer serves you. Embrace who you have become and let go of past burdens. We are with you always, helping you find peace and harmony.

Angel Message 3:

This week, your angels are guiding you through the shadows of financial difficulties into the light of abundance. Trust that your hard work and perseverance are paving the way for a significant financial breakthrough. Stay open to unexpected opportunities and be mindful of your spending. Your careful management and positive outlook will attract the prosperity you seek.

In parallel, your dedication to your academic or professional pursuits is not going unnoticed. You are on the verge of a remarkable success. Keep pushing forward with confidence, knowing that your efforts are supported by the divine. Embrace new challenges with a fearless heart and trust that you have the wisdom and strength to overcome any obstacles.

Remember, abundance flows where focus goes. Keep your intentions clear and your energy positive. Your angels are by your side, encouraging you to stay resilient and hopeful. A brighter financial future and professional success are just around the corner.

Angel Message 4:

When life throws challenges your way—like relationship struggles, financial difficulties, or unexpected setbacks—it's natural to feel powerless. You might see things unfolding but feel unable to change them. This message is about finding peace in these moments of uncertainty.

Trust that even when things seem unclear, there's a greater plan at work. Instead of fighting against the storm, focus on what you can control and let go of the rest. Pushing too hard only drains your energy.

Remember, the universe is guiding you towards where you're meant to be. Sometimes, tough situations are necessary course corrections, nudging you onto a better path. While it may not feel fair or make sense now, trust that there's a reason behind it all.

Have faith that clarity will come in time. Embrace this period as a chance for growth and transformation. By surrendering control, you open yourself to the wisdom of the universe, which always has your best interests at heart.

Thank you so much for reading. Do not forget to take a look at my Wednesday Angel Readings.

Love these angel readings? You can now purchase your very own angel oracle deck designed by me. Each beautifully crafted card features a unique spirit guide or angel on the front, with a specific, insightful message revealed on the back. 

Key Features:

  • Beautifully Designed Cards: Each card in the Angel Realm Deck showcases a unique spirit guide or angel, capturing the essence and energy of your celestial helpers.

  • Instant Messages: Simply flip the card to reveal the guide’s message, making it easy and intuitive to receive guidance without needing a guidebook.

  • Portable Connection: Carry these beautiful cards with you to stay connected to your angels wherever you go.  

How to Use Your Angel Realm Deck: 

  • Shuffle and Select: Begin by shuffling the deck. When you feel ready, pull out four cards.

  • Prepare and Focus: Place the cards image side down. Take a deep breath and center yourself.

  • Choose Your Guide: Intuitively choose the card or cards that draw you in. Consider what message you need to hear right now.

  • Reveal the Message: Flip over your chosen guide or angel to reveal their message.

  • Seek Guidance Anytime: Repeat this process whenever you need guidance and insight from spirit.

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